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Heroes for your weep holes

We’re here to help you build beautiful, functional weep holes and to help protect them from pests and vermin. These openings are an essential feature of buildings with cavity walls, both new and existing.

If you’re planning a new build, our products will help you create precise and attractive weep vents right from the start. If you have an existing brick building, our products will help prevent pest entry without compromising the functionality of your weep holes.

From pre-construction to retro-fit options, we supply products that will help you create perfect weep holes that are also safe and secure.

What is a weep hole?

A weep hole is a small opening in a cavity wall that helps prevent water damage by assisting ventilation and drainage. Water can enter walls in many ways and cause significant damage. The purpose of Weep holes is to improve air flow and provide an exit point for water to escape.

A cavity wall that lacks ventilation is prone to mildew and dry rot which can eat away at the wall’s materials. Likewise, water that has entered the cavity from condensation, capillary action or flooding from damaged plumbing needs to escape as it can harm the building’s structure.

Weep hole in a brick wall
A brick home construction site with masonry walls

An open door for pests

While critically important for the structural health of your home, unprotected brick weep holes provide an easy access point for a variety of pests. Insects, mice and snakes are all known to take advantage of these entry points where they can cause further damage.

Cockroaches and mice use these openings like highways to access food while bees and wasps can seek refuge and build nests in wall cavities. Termites are also known to exploit these channels and can pose a serious risk to a building’s structure and materials.

Hand inserting a Weepa Protector product into a weep hole

Protect but don’t block

Unfortunately, many people resort to blocking these important openings in order to solve their pest problems. Expanding foams, sealants and steel wool are just some of the approaches used but these impede ventilation and drainage which can have devastating and costly consequences.

The solution? Use quality weep hole covers or screens that will keep pests at bay whilst still providing adequate ventilation and drainage. Whether you’re planning a new build or securing your existing brick home, we have the right products to keep your home both attractive and safe.

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